Chess Titans






  Chess Titans

I bought a new PC two years ago and the OS is Windows Vista which contains Chess Titans. I like chess but not a good player. So I play the game from time to time to improve my skill. It was difficult to win even on level 2 at first, now playing on level5 after two-year complicated effort.

Stepping up was comparatively easy until level4, but level 5 is an irresistible enemy, isn't it? Most of the time, almost all the pieces are gone with the wind (laugh), even when I win the game.

See the following picture. It is a pattern which happens frequently.

But recently, I turned to be able to win with leaving many pieces on the board sometimes. The following pictures are some of the fine cases which are not many.

Chess is an interesting and fascinating game but hard to win and deep. I wonder when I can reach level 10. It seems that there will be a long way to go. I think I will report when I reach next step.

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